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Introduction to Fo Guang University’s Residential Colleges



林美书院之目标为「正」:知道什么是正确的事(doing right things)和怎么做是正确的方法(doing things right)。




  Fo Guang University, which follows “Righteousness, Uprightness, Virtue, and Compassion”, the original intention of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, and the aspiration of “Million-Member Fundraising Campaign”, is determined “to ordain conscience for Heaven and Earth, and to secure life and fortune for the people” so as to make itself a valuable university. When the university was established, it took both the humanistic spirit and the residential college spirit as the main axis. In 2013, it set the long-term goal to help build the backbone of society by following the modern practice of the residential college spirit and adhering to the educational philosophy of “unification of wisdom and virtue”.
  In order to manifest the ideal of a residential college-style university and gradually accomplish its vision projects, Fo Guang University integrates the system of Chinese traditional academies with the design of western residential colleges by unifying the spirit of the eastern and the western residential college education. On one hand, it adopts the educational philosophy of traditional oriental academies which values character education, freedom of teaching, and learning-centered approach and emphasizes social practice and independent learning. On the other hand, it consults the residential learning and the mentoring programs of western residential colleges. Thus, the university is made up of residential colleges and all teachers are residential college mentors, focusing on the modern practice of the residential college spirit with respect to teaching, curriculum, and system, and planning a variety of residential college activities for formal and informal courses.
The name, goal and significance of each residential college are as follows:
The goal of Linmei Residential College is “uprightness”: knowing what is right (doing right things) and how to do it right (doing things right)
The goal of Lanyuan Residential College is “righteousness”: transforming internal cognition into useful knowledge with the ability to think independently and judge independently.

The goal of Haiyun Residential College is “virtue”: to pursue the truth , absorb knowledge and nurture the career skills.

The goal of Yunlai Residential College is “compassion”: to cherish both gratitude and joy, care for the society, and serve the society.

Yunshui Residential College combines academic learning and life education. Through providing the understanding of Buddhism in academic education and the appreciation of Buddhist practice in life education, we hope students will develop a wholesome life.